Doc Now 2011

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Spring is here. You can tell because the Doc Now 2011 website is up. As part of our degree, our graduating class is showing our work in a several-week-long festival. Most of it takes place in June, although Serena’s show is part of Contact, and opens on Thursday.

There’s tons of awesome work in the festival. I’m lucky to have spent the past year and a half studying with such smart people.

Also lucky for me, my project, Every Face In The Americans, is going up at Toronto Image Works at the beginning of June. On Saturday, David asked me what it’s like to be making flat art that doesn’t move. I like it.

Best email from a student ever

The following came from a student in one of my music technologies courses. The assignment in question involved notating a Bach chorale using Sibelius. The student gave me permission to post this on condition that I didn’t identify him:

I HAVE SPENT THE LAST 2HOURS CHECKING EACH PART AND STILL THERE IS AN EXTRA BAR OR A BAR MISSING I MAY JUST LOSE A FEW BRAINCELLS I have handed the chorale in but i am really really angry this is ridiculous!! and I need time apart our relationship isn’t working. any-who. I tried really hard I promise.
hope you like what I haveSEBALIUS

This student works really hard and could potentially do very well in the course. You know who you are – I hope you’re reading this. Focus and slow down. You’ll be just fine.

Little Oak Animal at Handmade Music Toronto

I finally edited some of the performance Robert Cruickshank and I did at Handmade Music Toronto. We play as Little Oak Animal. Rob’s visuals are all analog – 2 slide projectors and a Super 8 machine – and my sound is all digital, done in Pd.

Little Oak Animal at Handmade Music Toronto from Dafydd Hughes on Vimeo.